Kehinde Dauda

web developer

"I used to talk football only, now i talk code"

picture of myself
  • Kehinde Dauda
  • Economist & Web Developer
  • Economist & Web Developer

I spent the first 23 years of my life dreaming of being a renowned football analyst.

When I finished my Bachelor's degree in 2017 and NYSC the following year, I had different ideas about myself.

Lagos, Nigeria can be seen as the beginning of my professional path.

After successful rechanelization of basic computer skills, I am CODING.

how code I help you?

After completing my Frontend Development training at Stutern Graduate Accelerator program (SGA)0.5, I can vividly say I am conversant with the following languages:


During my Frontend Development training at Stutern Graduate Accelerator program (SGA)0.5, I worked personally and collectively with team members and group mates on these projects. These projects were worked on with the skills named in the above section.

Colleagues talk

Working with Kenny Dauda was a good experience which gave good results. He is an incredibly talented developer but what really makes him standout is his work ethic and steady approach. He did the right things just on time. And also added every improvements that resulted in a better end product.

sabur picture

Sabur Ahmed

Stutern Graduate Accelerator

Working with Kenny was sometime a drill as he was almost rarely physically available at the time. This he made up with his enormous work ethic and good communication at times. Working with him was nice and we collectively achieved the results we aimed at.

Habib Ogunsola

Stutern Graduate Accelerator

Get in touch

If you like what you have seen so far or you want to know more about me and my work, do not hesitate on contacting me.

My door is always open to new projects, collaborations and challenges.

Don't be shy and knock it.